Iraq war veteran post

On my old blog iMind version 1.0 I had written a post about three short on-line movies including one which was a slide show tribute of pictures from Iraq.

I had a comment posted the other day. I’ll quote it below. Kimberly, if you read this; why don’t you write about your experience? If you want, you can send me posts and I’ll place them here on this blog.

I hope that you stay safe in your tours of duty and that you will find peace when you are home.

>You can’t know what it’s like to come home from there until you’ve been there. I have been there 3 times now. And I watched the video and listened to the music and I watched and listened over and over and over. You just don’t know until you’ve been there. The video and music are truly a beautifully awesome tribute. I am going to buy the CD.
